The Benefits of a Certification

Here at CTC we know exactly how valuable and life changing a simple certification can be. Take a look at our top reasons for believin..

Feeling stuck in an unrewarding and unenjoyable job is one of the worst places to end up. Thinking of leaving this job and starting an entirely new career can be scary and not promising. This is where IT certifications can come in to ease your mind.

These certifications can significantly help you to get started with a new job quickly while applying a foundation for other specializations. Still not convinced? Look at a few of the main reasons these licenses are the best way to begin an occupation in IT.

- They're a quick and inexpensive way to enhance your resume.

For those who have the time and opportunity to fully devote to a  discipline, the traditional path of obtaining a college degree has many perks. To some this option is not ideal and they are looking to advance their skills at a much quicker pace. In this situation, certifications are really the best option. Typical tuition for this traditional route for a degree ranges from $50,000-$90,000 - not including so many other fees and charges. Obtaining a certification is a significantly less expensive route, with many of the same benefits.

Another plus of this route is that these courses get straight to the point. You will not be doing work that doesn’t apply to your field, but these courses are kept short and sweet to prepare you best. Labs and simulations will make sure that you and your future employers feel confident in your skills.

- They provide you with needed knowledge and experience

Thinking as a hiring manager, every new position is a chance you’re taking. There is a lot of thought and regulations that go into a hiring process- and this is more often than not highly competitive. Those responsible for hiring you are going to do everything they can beforehand to make sure you're the best fit.

This is where having a certification on your resume begins to set you apart and makes you stand out to these companies. These certifications are internationally recognized as proof that you can excel in an ability. These come in handy when you’re trying to show off a skill that you already have, or if you are trying to develop and excel in a new one. 

- Department of Defense requires many certifications

Directive 8570/8140 is definitely something you have heard of if you have spent time in the Department of Defense. It says that all workers of authorized details systems must receive a specific amount of certification. This is to ensure that those working for the DoD are knowledgeable and can be cybersafe.

Even if you are not working with the Department of Defense, there are still countless companies that are requiring their employees to obtain certifications. If you are in the IT field or looking to get into it, then a certification is going to put you one step ahead of those around you. 

- Great for your company 

When looking at a company as a whole, certifications will only offer benefits. So much research suggests that many certifications that CTC offers have a broad array of benefits. 

Financing your employees to get a certification allows them to feel valued and appreciated, thus creating an environment of hard work. Your employees will see the countless benefits that come with receiving a certification. Not only will they bring fresh knowledge and insight to the company, but also the environment this creates is priceless.

- Certifications can lead to a higher salary

Having a certification is a great way to be a candidate in receiving a higher salary than your peers. A recent study from PMI showed first hand that approved Project Management Professionals earn on average 20% much more than those who are not certified.

This is just one first hand example of how a certification was able to boost income. It only makes sense that having proof that you are trained and able to excel in something is going to increase your salary.

- Get an advantage before going into college

Lots of people acquire an entry-level certification so that they can start a basic IT job. From here, they can get back, get a college degree and have the knowledge and experience that is preferred for a more advanced job in IT. 

Some universities have even begun counting certifications toward their degree work. The American Council on Education gives ACE CREDIT referrals through reviewing schools and prompts them to make these certifications to be equivalent to other courses offered.

These changes result in you being able to begin your career in IT and cybersecurity while receiving a college degree. This situation almost sounds too good to be true. 

- Develop skills that will forever impact your life

One of the most valuable parts of receiving your certification is the development of a brand new skill set. The field of IT is expanding everyday, with many jobs on the 2021 top jobs list. Even with this field growing, it is difficult to find qualified people to hire-- seen especially in the field of cybersecurity. 

Skills and knowledge in IT is extremely valuable right now. Showing that you are able to take on and excel in a new skill is going to speak volumes to your future employers.

Let CTC get you started in your IT career 

If you are looking to start out your career or just looking for a change let us at CTC give you a jump start. IT certifications absolutely will put you in the best possible situation to succeed in this field. This is why we at CTC are so passionate about what we do. 

We offer live online and in person bootcamps, for many different types of certifications, where you guarantee you will pass- or you get your money back. We will be there to guide you every step of the way to your new career. Call us today and let us get you started on this exciting journey. 

Prepare for the CompTIA CASP+ exam with expert tips, study resources, and training courses to achieve certification success.